let’s tell the world how great you are!

personalised media distribution

We have a great network with thousands of contacts within the media to help you in achieving your PR goals. We’ll save you time and money by doing all of the outreach for you, helping you build your network and gain media opportunities without lifting a finger!

Whether you want spread to word to a regional, national or international market, we have got you covered! In no time you will be on your way to becoming the go to person in your field for all types of media coverage that work for you and your cause.

Our personalised media distribution service is designed to help SME’s, charities, and writers spread the word about their cause to the relevant media platforms all across the UK.

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contacts across
the media
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years of
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of opportunities
finding a channel that works for you

the opportunities

Each piece of content that you release might benefit from a different media channel. We can help in reaching a wide variety of channels that work for you and your business!

Magazines - Newspaper articles - Radio interviews - TV interviews - Podcasts - and more!
we do the heavy lifting!

With our long term relationships across multiple media channels, we let our network know just how great your cause is and let you hit the ground running.

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we'll get you long term results!

It’s not a one time thing! We want to keep you in the spotlight and help you become the go to person in your field for opportunities that suit you best.

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we’ll do it your way!

Our services are tailored to your needs. Whether you want to reach out and expand your network, or focus on a new media release, we've got you covered.

Karin helped me promote my book and disability awareness work, connecting me with radio and news outlets and national charity organisations and gaining me media coverage  - thanks Karin!
Jack Turley - aUTHOR
Karin Ridgers is everything you would want in a PR: enthusiastic, dedicated and, most importantly, available to contact at any time.   Karin worked ceaselessly to promote my book, ‘Only Fat People Skip Breakfast’ and my CD, ‘Talk Yourself Slim’ and I would recommend her most highly.
Lee Djanogly - Author & Coach
Karin’s dedication, passion and professionalism make working with her an absolute joy.  She’s highly innovative and creative and very well connected.  I can highly recommend her.
Sue Stone, Secret Millionaire & Author - Love Life, live Life
Karin helped me promote my book and disability awareness work, connecting me with radio and news outlets and national charity organisations and gaining me media coverage  - thanks Karin!
Jack Turley - aUTHOR
Karin Ridgers is everything you would want in a PR: enthusiastic, dedicated and, most importantly, available to contact at any time.   Karin worked ceaselessly to promote my book, ‘Only Fat People Skip Breakfast’ and my CD, ‘Talk Yourself Slim’ and I would recommend her most highly.
Lee Djanogly - Author & Coach
Karin’s dedication, passion and professionalism make working with her an absolute joy.  She’s highly innovative and creative and very well connected.  I can highly recommend her.
Sue Stone, Secret Millionaire & Author - Love Life, live Life
let's talk!

book a free consultation

The first step to making a difference is discussing your needs on a quick call with us.

Simply pick a date on Calendly and we will be in touch to discuss how we can help you improve your PR. Alternatively, you can complete our contact form with any questions and we will be in touch.